Smart Citizen API

Smart Citizen Platform Open API


The Smart Citizen API allows you to request back information from your devices and do incredible things with it.

It is a REST API and it returns the information in JSON format. This means you can easily access the information from any language like Javascript, PHP,, Python, and start doing things with it quickly.

To access the API you will always need and api_key you can obtain here.

The API is currently under BETA more functions will be comming soon. Please, report any problem or suggestion on the forum.


Data - Get Latest Data

Get back the latest updates from a user devices in order to do whatever you want. Check the examples to learn more and remember you need a valid api_key you can obtain here.





Field Type Description
api_key String User unique API Key. Obtain your key here.

Success (200)

Field Type Description
device Json Device information with the requested data posts.
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
	  "device": {
	    "id": "24",
	    "title": "Pral2a",
	    "description": "Test",
	    "location": "Barcelona",
	    "city": "Barcelona",
	    "country": "Spain",
	    "exposure": "outdoor",
	    "elevation": "100.0",
	    "geo_lat": "41.383180",
	    "geo_long": "2.157960",
	    "created": "2013-04-24 18:09:05",
	    "last_insert_datetime": "2013-05-16 11:44:56",
	    "posts": [
	        "timestamp": "2013-05-01 19:46:51",
	        "temp": 21.6,
	        "hum": 51.8,
	        "co": 131054,
	        "no2": 75121,
	        "light": 24.2,
	        "noise": 50,
	        "bat": 92.9,
	        "panel": 4.41,
	        "nets": 6,
	        "insert_datetime": "2013-05-01 21:47:00"

Error (4xx)

Name Description
invalidAPIKEY Check on your platform profile you are using a valid API KEY.
   HTTP/1.1 404 Not Found
     "error": "Feed do not exist. Data not available"

Data - Get Sensors Data

Get data back from one device in order to do whatever you want. You can request data by a time range and even retrieve averages agregated by days or hours. Check the examples to learn more and remember you need a valid api_key you can obtain here.



Return the last update of device 24:
Return the last day average of device 24:
Return all the data from May 2013 of device 24:
Return all the data averaged per day from May 2013 of device 24:


Field Type Description
api_key String User unique API Key. Obtain your key here.
device_id Number Device unique ID.
from optional Date Starting date YYYY-MM-DD. If not set gets a limit of 500 posts since the to date.
to optional Date Finish date YYYY-MM-DD. If not set gets the current date.
range optional String["hour","day"] Get data averaged by a range.

Success (200)

Field Type Description
device Json Device information with the requested data posts.
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
	  "device": {
	    "id": "24",
	    "title": "Pral2a",
	    "description": "Test",
	    "location": "Barcelona",
	    "city": "Barcelona",
	    "country": "Spain",
	    "exposure": "outdoor",
	    "elevation": "100.0",
	    "geo_lat": "41.383180",
	    "geo_long": "2.157960",
	    "created": "2013-04-24 18:09:05",
	    "last_insert_datetime": "2013-05-16 11:44:56",
	    "posts": [
	        "timestamp": "2013-05-01 19:46:51",
	        "temp": 21.6,
	        "hum": 51.8,
	        "co": 131054,
	        "no2": 75121,
	        "light": 24.2,
	        "noise": 50,
	        "bat": 92.9,
	        "panel": 4.41,
	        "nets": 6,
	        "insert_datetime": "2013-05-01 21:47:00"

Error (4xx)

Name Description
invalidAPIKEY Check on your platform profile you are using a valid API KEY.
   HTTP/1.1 404 Not Found
     "error": "Feed do not exist. Data not available"


Devices - Get Devices Info (BETA)

Get back all the devices on the platform in order to do whatever you want. This query is currently limited to selected api_key users, contact support in order to get a BETA key. Check the examples to learn more.





Field Type Description
api_key String User unique API Key. Obtain your key here.

Success (200)

Field Type Description
devices Json User information.
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
  "devices": [
        "id": "24",
        "title": "Pral2a",
        "description": "Test",
        "location": "Barcelona",
        "city": "Barcelona",
        "country": "Spain",
        "exposure": "outdoor",
        "elevation": "100.0",
        "geo_lat": "41.383180",
        "geo_long": "2.157960",
        "created": "2013-04-24 18:09:05",
        "last_insert_datetime": "2013-05-16 11:44:56"

Error (4xx)

Name Description
invalidAPIKEY Check on your platform profile you are using a valid API KEY.
unauthorizedAPIKEY Contact support in order to check you have a valid API KEY.
   HTTP/1.1 404 Not Found
     "error": "Feed do not exist. Data not available"


Users - Get User Info

Get back all the information about a user in order to do whatever you want. Check the examples to learn more and remember you need a valid api_key you can obtain here.





Field Type Description
api_key String User unique API Key. Obtain your key here.

Success (200)

Field Type Description
me Json User information.
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
  "me": {
    "id": "5",
    "username": "Guillem",
    "city": "Barcelona",
    "country": "Spain",
    "website": "",
    "email": "[email protected]",
    "created": "2013-04-23 00:34:13",
    "devices": [
        "id": "24",
        "title": "Pral2a",
        "description": "Test",
        "location": "Barcelona",
        "city": "Barcelona",
        "country": "Spain",
        "exposure": "outdoor",
        "elevation": "100.0",
        "geo_lat": "41.383180",
        "geo_long": "2.157960",
        "created": "2013-04-24 18:09:05",
        "last_insert_datetime": "2013-05-16 11:44:56"

Error (4xx)

Name Description
invalidAPIKEY Check on your platform profile you are using a valid API KEY.
   HTTP/1.1 404 Not Found
     "error": "Feed do not exist. Data not available"
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